Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 21 - No Joke

If you have ever watched Jillian Michaels you know one of her favorite things to say is, "This is no joke."   Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred is definitely no joke!  My whole body was shaking and I was dipping sweat but when it was done I truly felt like a bad ass!I don't even want to think of how my body is going to feel in the morning!  Right now I'm just going to savior my accomplishment.

I owe today in a round about way to my friend Michele.  She texted me and said that she fell off the wagon while the kids were on spring break and I could see how that would be easy for that to happen.  I told her to get running and catch that wagon and get back on.

When she texted me though it was already, 7:00pm and after getting up early for a church class and service, a lazy day napping away the afternoon I had almost talked myself out of working out... "oh what's one day gonna matter" ya know. Then I was thinking no one reads my blog anyway they won't notice...  But it was her text that made me get it done so hugs to her and I know she will be riding in the wagon tomorrow. 


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