Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 8 - It's Getting Way Better

Today was really good... I'm not saying it was easy but I didn't feel like I was going to die.  So, after talking to my long distance workout buddy I decided to go ahead and do the 30 Day Shred in the 30 days.  Then move onto Ripped in 30.  So that's my plan now but the most important thing is that I just keep going! Onward!

Oh and I did remember login info for so if you want to friend me there and see all the junk I eat... here I am!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 7 - Do I Have To?

I did not even want to work out today but I did do it.  Just got in a nap first. :)  I have to say having this blog helps because I feel a little more obligated to do it, whether anyone is reading this or not.

After thinking about my weekend of crazy eating, I'm going to see if I can get into my old account.   I was just thinking what's the point of working out if I'm not eating right.  I'm not going overboard with the "healthy food" but at least I will be able to keep track of my calories.  I also know from past experience that the further along you get with working out the less you even want to touch "junk food".


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 5 and 6 - Getting Better

I worked out early yesterday because I was invited to a a church conference for women and knew after the conference I would get a mini vacation.  I got to stay the night at my sister's she is single, her house is quiet!  Have I mentioned I have five children, four of whom are still at home?  So my house can be crazy busy!  I have to say I had a great time with my sister!  Oh, the simple things that are so good for the soul. :)

Day 5 was getting better for sure!  Day 6 I did late for me, eight at night.  I was sort of worn out from my mini vacation and to be honest I didn't eat great on my outing but I didn't miss a work out and I feel awesome for that!

Since I was just at a church conference, I thought my inspirational picture would reflect that...

Are you doing or have done Jillian's 30 Day Shred?  If so, leave a comment!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 4 - Pass The Advil

I just finished day 4... my muscles are screaming... "YES!" and my fat cells are screaming... "NO!" And as this internal battle takes place I'm one hurting unit but it's getting better.  There are times during this workout that my muslces are just burning and it's all I can do to keep going so I close my eyes and imagine being skinny at the pool this summer.  Hey whatever works right!

Day 3 - Working Out The Hurt is Worth It

That was yesterday... but I did get it done!  I was just super busy going all directions so I didn't have time to post here... I'm still sore, especially my abs but that's how I know it's working!

 Now to get on with day 4!  Going back for more punishment here in about an hour.  :) 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Day 2 Workout

I'm not going to lie... I woke up and was kinda sore from the day before.  So, today I was cussing and doing my DVD but I did do it and when I was done I was like all great feeling like WOW I did it!  I'm sure tomorrow I'm even going to be even more sore... it's like a game of seeking out the muscles that have been hiding and when you do find them they scream!!!

:)  2 days down 88 to go!

Day 1 - 30 Day Shred

Yesterday was my first day of the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels.  This isn't the first time I have done this but it has been over a year...

The 30 Day Shred DVD has three levels.  I personally never made it to the third. :(   I know this DVD works though and that's why I'm taking it on again.  I can't ever forget that the last time I did this workout in just the first two week I lost 2 inches in my waist!  That's amazing!

So why did I quit... Well my first "excuse" was a good one!  I had major dental work done and this happened over the course of about three months and they don't recommend exercise when healing from that... Then I had surgery and when I was all healed from that... honestly I just got lazy!

Over that year though I lost more weight and then maintained it.  I know it was the residual effects of having done the 30 Day Shred and also on occasion the 6 Week Six Pack!

There comes a time though when the effects begin to wear off.  These past couple of months I have put back on 6 of the 22lbs that I lost and I got "tired" yup like that when could I possibly fit in a nap tired.

What cures tired?  Working out!  And there is the rub, too tired to think about working out and knowing the only way to have energy is workout.  So it was time to suck it up and just do it!

Now my plan....  So people say that you should do the 30 Day Shred by doing each level for 10 days but my plan is to do one level per 30 days making this a total time of 90 days for me. :)  I'm not planning a day off during that time... it's only 20 minutes a day and frankly I can spend that on my ass looking at Facebook so no excuses there. :)

You can check my pictures and stats here.

Here's to my health, happiness, and hopefully some "hotness"!  Well maybe not I'm kind of old for hot but I'd take a you look great for your age!

Leave a comment let me know you where here, tell me about you or whatever!